Film o filmu 3

Bosnian Broadway

Croatia, 2021., 30 min.

Bosnian Broadway


Sixteen young actors have been selected to participate in a Broadway musical that established American artists are putting on in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many of them are dreaming about a career outside this region and all of them begin rehearsals with great enthusiasm and expectations. However, as the premiere approaches, their mood begins to change as they become aware that they will soon return their „regular“ life.


Film o filmu 3

21:45 Bosanski Brodvej / Bosnian Broadway (30 min) razgovor s autoricom 22:15 Tko je ubio Psilandera? / Who Shot Psilander? (60 min) razgovor s autorom → more

Film o filmu 3


Čin smaknuća


Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

Čin smaknuća

The Act of Killing, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Danska, Indonezija, Norveška, 2012.
documentary 159 min.


Pogled tišine


Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

Pogled tišine

The Look of Silence, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer; Danska, Indonezija, Finska, Norveška, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Izrael, Francuska, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Njemačka, Nizozemska, 2014.
documentary 103 min.