25 FPS 2017

Budućnosti filma

Cinema Futures, Austrija, 2016., 126 min.

Budućnosti filma


Digitalna je revolucija film zahvatila kasno i uglavnom se manifestirala u obliku tehnološkog napretka. Danas, u doba kada celuloidne filmske vrpce nestaju, u doba raznolikosti digitalnih formata, mnogo više toga je na kocki: nalaze li se svjetske filmske arhive na rubu mračnog doba? Svjedočimo li golemom gubitku kolektivnog audio-vizualnog pamćenja? Umire li film ili se samo mijenja?

Budućnosti filma putuje u razne zemlje i zajedno s cijenjenim filmskim autorima, kustosima, povjesničarima i inženjerima dramatizira temu budućnosti filma u doba digitalnih slika u pokretu.

Budućnosti filma dokumentarni je film o sadašnjosti i budućnosti filma i kinematografije u digitalno doba. U odvojenim epizodama i filmskim aforizmima ocrtavaju se mogući scenariji, kulturni strahovi i utopije koje obećavaju, prateći epohalni prijelaz s gotovo 120-godišnje povijesti analognih fotokemijskih celuloidnih vrpca na nematerijalno i radikalno kratkotrajno doba strujanja podataka digitalne slike. Uporište je na ljubavi spram filma, no bez nostalgije.

Budućnosti filma predstavlja asocijativno putovanje kroz vrijeme, snimano na raznim lokacijama, gdje susrećemo slavne filmske autore, kustose, povjesničare i inženjere. Sudjeluju Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Tacita Dean, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, David Bordwell, Tom Gunning, Jacques Rancière, Margaret Bodde, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Nicole Brenez, Michael Friend, Greg Lukow, Mike Mashon i mnogi drugi. 

The “digital revolution” reached the cinema late and was chiefly styled as a technological advancement. Today, in an era where analog celluloid strips are disappearing, and given the diversity of digital moving picture formats, there is much more at stake: Are the world's film archives on the brink of a dark age? Are we facing the massive loss of collective audiovisual memory? Is film dying, or just changing?

Cinema Futures travels to international locations and, together with renowned filmmakers, museum curators, historians and engineers, dramatizes the future of film and the cinema in the age of digital moving pictures. 

Cinema Futures is a documentary film about the present and future of film and the cinema in the digital era. In individual episodes and cinematic aphorisms, future scenarios, cultural fears and promising utopias are sketched out, accompanying the epochal transition from an approximately 120-year history of analog photochemical celluloid strips to the immaterial and radically evanescent age of digital picture data streams. The focus is on a love of the cinema, albeit devoid of nostalgia.

Cinema Futures is an associative journey through time, filmed at international locations, where we meet up with renowned filmmakers, museum curators, historians and engineers. With Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Tacita Dean, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, David Bordwell, Tom Gunning, Jacques Rancière, Margaret Bodde, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Nicole Brenez, Michael Friend, Greg Lukow, Mike Mashon, and many others.

Festivals and awards

Venice Film Festival 2016 - Nominacija za najbolji dokumentarc o kinematografiji;


25 FPS 2017

13. Internacionalno festival eksperimentalnog filma i videa stiže u Art-kino s dva programa – 4. → more

25 FPS 2017



Fiume o morte!

18:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.

Mrtav čovjek


Mrtav čovjek

Dead Man, director: Jim Jarmusch, Njemačka, Japan, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 1995.
feature film 121 min.

Cult Cinema