Glas slijepog čovjeka vodi nas kroz sound-scape grada Rijeke. Ulazimo u dokumentaristički i intiman opis naratorovog doživljaja svoga grada. Što to znači vidjeti grad bez gledanja? Kako se stvara slika grada oslanjanjem na druga osjetila te kako se ona nadopunjava temeljem sjećanja i razgovora s drugim ljudima? Misli i zvukovi grada isprepliću se sa video zapisom koje autorice stvaraju vođene opisima mentalnih slika koje se projiciraju kod zvukovnih, taktilnih i olfaktivnih podražaja. Film je nastao u suradnji s Udrugom slijepih Primorsko-goranske županije.
Una Rebić (1986.) multidisciplinarna je umjetnica u čijem se radu iskazuje interes za istraživanjem interakcije u domeni društvenog, fizičkog, mentalnog i duhovnog. Njezina praksa uključuje individualne kao i kolaborativne projekte. Živi u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji, a radi na međunarodnoj razini.
Dolores Kovačić (1991.) je studentica Intermedije na Akademiji primjenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci s najvećim interesom za video i film.
The voice of a blind man leads us through the sound-scape of Rijeka city. We are entering a documentary and intimate description of the narrato’s experience of his city. What does it mean to see the city without looking? How does the image of the city form by relying on other senses and how does it complement on the basis of memories and conversations with other people? Thoughts and sounds of the city are interwoven with the video, which the authors create guided by descriptions of mental images that are projected with sound, tactile and olfactory stimuli. The film has been created in collaboration with the Association of the Blind of Kvarner County.
Una Rebić (b. 1986 ) is a multidisciplinary art practitioner interested in exploring ways of interaction within the social, physical, mental and spiritual realms. Her practice involves individual as well as collaborative projects. She is based in Croatia and Slovenia and works internationally.
Dolores Kovačić (b. 1991) is a student of Intermedia arts at University of Rijeka mostly interested in video and film.
Kvartovske priče
Kvartovske price donose intimne priče običnih ljudi iz malih sredina čije sudbine povlače važna društvena pitanja poput utjecaja globalizacije, bullyinga i neprihvačanja različitosti. Neighborhoods brings intimate stories of characters set in small places, but opening the questions of → more
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Bez Gravitacije
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To što želim
What I Want, Poljska, 2015., director: Damian Kocur, feature film
Unutar zidina
Within Thy Walls, Izrael, 2015., director: Omer Sharon, Daniella Schnitzer, feature film