53-godišnji Konstantin, bivši vojnik Robbe i mlada majka Ana bore se s anksioznošću uzrokovanom njihovom prošlošću. Dokumentarac „Zaštitnici“ prati ih na obuci za tjelesne čuvare i prikazuje traganje za sigurnošću.
Benjamin Rost je od 2013. godine student režije na Filmskoj akademiji Baden-Wuerttemberg. Nakon što je 2009. diplomirao na Bavarskoj televizijskoj akademiji, radio je kao redatelj dokumentarnih filmova. Proizvodio je različite dokumentarce za Bavarsku televiziju. Radio je i kao freelancer te režirao dokumentarne i kratke filmove. Također, prije Baden-Wuerttemberg akademije, studirao je filozofiju u Minhenu.
53-year-old Konstantin, ex-private Robbe and the young mother Ana are fighting with anxieties triggered by their past. The documentary "The Guardians" accompanies them during their training toward being a Bodyguard. A portrait on the quest for security.
Benjamin Rost studies directing film at Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg since 2013. After he graduated the Bavarian Academy for Television (BAF) in 2009 he worked as a director for documentary films. He realised different documentaries for the Bavarian Television. Additionaly he worked as a freelancer and directed documentaries, short- and imagefilms. Before Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg he studied Philosophy in Munich.
Vučja koža
Wolf Skin
U program Vučja koža sve lažne maske padaju. Protagonisti ovih posve raznolikih priča poniru duboko u sebe ne bi li pronašli svoje pravo ja. The selection of films Wolf skin strips the characters of the masks they → more
Svijet u nama
The Universe in Us, Njemačka, 2015., director: Lisa Krane, feature film
Mila Fog
Slovačka, 2015., director: Marta Prokopová, animated
HEAD, Izrael, 2015., director: Stav Levi, animated
Herzlich Willkommen, Njemačka, 2015., director: Pablo Ben Yakov, documentary
Hrvatska, 2015., director: Michel Mesarić, eksperimentalni
Crna protoplazma
Dark protoplasm, Hrvatska, 2014., director: Dominik Grdić, eksperimentalni