Dvije obitelji posjećuju očeve koji dijele bolničku sobu. Jedna obitelj sebično se svađa oko beznačajnih problema, dok druga ima potpuno drugačiju perspektivu. Cvijeće je za slavlje, ali i za groblje.
Judita Gamulin Judita Gamulin je rođena 1992. Studentica je diplomskog studija Filmske i televizijske režije na zagrebačkoj Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti. Protekle četiri godine radila je u filmskoj industriji kao skripterica, montažerka te asistentica montaže. Ovo joj je treći kratkometražni film. Snimila je i „Daddy issues“ (2014.) te „Minus 4“ (2015.).
Two families are visiting their fathers that share a room in the hospital. One family is selfishly arguing about their trivial problems, while the other one has a completely different perspective. Flowers are for celebration, but also for the cemetery.
Judita Gamulin was born in 1992. She is a graduate student of Film and TV Directing at the Zagreb Acaemy of Dramatic Art. For the past four years sha has also worked in film production as a script/continuity supervisor, editor and assistant editor. This is her third short feature. She also made „Daddy Issues„ (2014) and „Minus 4“ (2015).
Među nama
Among Us
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