This medium-length feature film in the form of a musical is a fairy tale with elements of humor and fiction set in an indefinite past or future tense. Francesca, harassed by her parents, has decided to leave her home and embark on an uncertain adventure that will change her life forever. Lost, naive, uneducated and curious, in her blue dress she travels through the mythical parts of the enchanted peninsula where she meets strange and distinctive characters who want to reveal the meaning of life to her through song and dance, humor and mysticism.
All In
Playing with the highest stakes can result in a rise to the top or a fall to the bottom. Nevertheless, how will we know what awaits us if we do not bet all-in sometime? The → more
In Medias Res
Hrvatska, 2022., director: Ana Klepo, documentary
Francuska / Libanon, 2021., director: Dania Bdeir, feature film
Belgija, 2021., director: Clémence Pica Rogge, animated