Komedija o jednom kaotičnom jutru obitelji s djecom i majka koja se želi pobrinuti za sve sama...
Kako je Selma Vilhunen odabrala glumce - pročitajte u intervjuu koji se nalazi na ovom linku.
A comedy about a chaotic morning in a family with kids and a mother determined to take care of everything herself.
Manhattan Short Film Festival 2013
one world - one week - one festival
Manhattan Short Film Festival i ove godine stiže u Art-kino. Tijekom vikenda, 28. i 29. rujna, pogledajte 10 ovogodišnjih finalista i zaokružite svoj najdraži. Kako kaže ekipa MSFF-a: jedan svijet - jedan tjedan - jedan → more
Irish namještaj
Irish Folk Furniture, Irska, 2012., director: Tony Donoghue, animated
No Comment
No Comment, Francuska, 2012., director: Alexandra Naoum, feature film
The Pale of Settlement
The Pale of Settlement, SAD, 2013., director: Jacob Sillman, feature film
Face s place
Portraits de Voyages aka Faces from Places, Francuska, 2013., director: Bastien Dubois, animated
Friday, Engleska, 2012., director: Seb Edwards, feature film
Velika sam tužna lopta
I Am a Big Ball of Sadness, SAD, 2013., director: Ken Urban, feature film
Austrija, 2013., director: Timothy Wilde, feature film
Sudbonosna zalogajnica
Kizmet Diner, Engleska, 2013., director: Mark Nunneley, feature film
Black Metal
SAD, 2013., director: Kat Candler, feature film