A young grocery delivery-boy named Max, regularly stops at the home of a married woman during working hours. After one of these visits, Max is late for another delivery and his pay is docked. On the next day, he impulsively steals expensive products from another order and plans a feast for his lover, not concerned about the consequences.
En plain
Placing the entire bet on one number is the move of someone very confident, dare-devilish, or completely resigned. In the documentary film (p)artisan, the young artist will, for the sixth time, put all-in into realizing → more
Hrvatska, 2022., director: Jelena Androić, documentary
One Thousand and One Attempts to Be an Ocean
Francuska, 2021., director: Wang Yuyan, documentary
The Architect
Kanada, 2021., director: Mathieu Lorain Dignard, feature film
That Much More
Hrvatska, 2022., director: Nina Sorić, documentary