Filmmaker Tomas Ponsteen was adopted from Brazil and does not feel the need to search for his biological mother. Since revelations about adoption abuses, he wonders to what extent his choice not to search is without obligation. Is it a moral duty of every adoptee to search his or her biological mother?
Konstelacije / Constellations
Relationships are dense, multi-layered, and multifaceted bonds that are intertwined and interdependent. The way we relate to others is one of the defining characteristics of who we are. In the Polish film "A Beautiful Wildflower → more
Prekrasna livada divljeg cvijeća
A Beautiful Wildflower Meadow, Poljska, 2022., director: Emi Buchwald, feature film
Niska trava
Short Cut Grass, Hrvatska, 2023., director: David Gašo, feature film