
Jazz Orgie

Njemačka, 2015., 1 min.

Jazz Orgie


Točke, pravci, ravnine i oblici pokreću se u svojem svijetu koreografije. U ekstazi dodira susreću se s tonovima jazza te tvore razigranu eksploziju boja i oblika.

Vrtlog života Irinu Rubinu doveo je na ovaj svijet kao Moskovljanku. Međutim miris svježih pereca privukao ju je u Njemačku. U Brunswicku je uskočila u svijet umjetnosti , zatim se odgurnula i zaronila u ocean matematike u Berlinu. Bojala se da će završiti u crnom kvadratu te je odlučila napraviti zaokret od 180 stupnjeva. Na putu natrag naišla je na jato riba. Bilo je tako šareno i kretalo se tako elegantno da je jednostavno morala plivati za njim. Pokušala je zapamtiti njegove jarke boje  i gracioznu plastičnost. Kada je odvratila pogled od riba našla se na Animationinstitutu na Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttembergu. Do danas ondje sretno pliva sa svojim animacijskim jatom…

Dots, lines, planes and forms set themselves in motion and get drown into their own choreographic world. Within the ecstasy of touch they engage with jazz tones into a play of colours and forms which results in a total explosion.

The swirl of life brought Irina Rubina to this world as a Muscovite. But the smell of fresh pretzels drew her to Germany. She jumped into art in Brunswick, Germany, then pushed off and dove into the mathematical ocean in Berlin. She was afraid to end up in the Black Square, so she decided to make another 180-degree turn. On the way back she came across a school of fish. It was so colorful and had moved so elegantly that she simply had to swim behind it. She tried to retain its bright colors and graceful plasticity. When she turned her eyes away from the fish, she found herself in the Animationinstitut at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg. And till this day she swims happily with her animation swarm there…




"Sutra" priča priče o velikom svijetu i našem mjestu u njemu. U pokušajima da prihvate međusobne razlike i prevladaju moralne borbe, likovi ovih filmova kreću na put otkrivanja sebe. "Tomorrow" tells stories of the big world and our → more



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Kad bi barem bio pauk

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Čin smaknuća


Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

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The Act of Killing, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Danska, Indonezija, Norveška, 2012.
documentary 159 min.


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Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

Pogled tišine

The Look of Silence, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer; Danska, Indonezija, Finska, Norveška, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Izrael, Francuska, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Njemačka, Nizozemska, 2014.
documentary 103 min.