Krivac, Moris, and Marin - the three pariahs, three parlor musicians embarking on a decade-long exquisite journey. Film introduces us to the members of the band Japanski Premijeri.
They initially were no more than acquaintances who gradually not only founded the band but also became the closest of kin. To quench their musical curiosity and wanderlust they undertake travel into reclusion of their own little microcosm.
Every system, from intimate love to cultural heritage and technology, has its cracks. Life is conducted as a grand experiment of maintaining normalcy, riddled with glitches. The documentary The Great Journey is compiled from archive → more
Hrvatska, 2020., director: Natko Stipaničev, animated
Običan tip
Just a Guy, Njemačka, 2020., director: Shoko Hara, animated
Thus Began Antoine’s Down-Going
Francuska, 2021., director: Paul Rigoux, feature film
Deepfake Therapy
Nizozemska, 2020., director: Roshan Nejal, documentary