
Kad bi barem bio pauk

If I Only Were A Spider, Poljska, 2015., 18 min.

Kad bi barem bio pauk


U arkadijskom okruženju, skrivena među vapnenačkim stijenama, nalazi se seoska škola – najmanja u Europskoj uniji, s ukupno petero djece. Njezini učenici stoje nogama čvrsto na zemlji, a tako i snivaju svoje snove. Sličniji su odraslima nego djeci. Samo petogodišnji Kristijan, zapleten u paukovoj mreži svojih fantazija, dopušta da ga obuzme mašta. Hoće li svijet prihvatiti ovog krhkog superheroja? „Kad bih barem bio pauk” film je o normi koja odbacuje svaku različitost, kao i o različitostima koje se unatoč tome bore da ostanu drugačije od drugih.

Katarzyna Warzecha studentica je režije na Krzysztof Kieslowski fakultetu za radio i televiziju na šleskom sveučilištu u Katowicama. Diplomirana je socijalna radnica te koordinatorica Gdańsk DocFilm Festivala.

Alex Casianov je rođen 1988. u Moldaviji. 2008. je upisao povijest umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Varšavi, a 2011. započinje studij režije  na Krzysztof Kieslowski fakultetu za radio i televiziju na šleskom sveučilištu u Katowicama.

Martyna Majewska je diplomirala kulturalne studije na Sveučilištu u Wroclawu te kazališnu režiju na Fakultetu za kazališnu umjetnost u Wroclawu. Studentica je filmske režije na šleskom sveučilištu - Krzysztof Kieslowski fakultet za radio i televiziju.

In an Arcadian setting, hidden amid calcic rocks, lies a village school – the smallest one in the European Union, boasting a total of five children. Its students have a very realistic worldview and shape their dreams accordingly. They are more like adults than children. Only the five-year-old Christian allows himself to be swept away by imagination, entangled in a spider web of his fantasies. Will the world accept this fragile superhero? In this small student community certain social mechanisms become more visible than in big educational institutions.  “If I Only Were A Spider” is a film about the norm rejecting that what is different, and about the differences fighting to stay different.

Katarzyna Warzecha: A student of Film Directing at the Krzysztof Kieslowski Faculty of Radio and Television at the University of Silesia. Social work graduate and coordinator of Gdańsk DocFilm Festival.

In 2008. Alex Casianov started studying History of Arts at the University of Warsaw and in 2011. he begin studying Film Directing at Krzysztof Kieslowski Radio and Television Faculty of Silesian Univeristy in Katowice.

Martyna Majewska is a graduate of Cultural studies at the University of Wroclaw and Stage directing at the State College of Theatre in Wroclaw. A student of Film directing at the University of Silesia (Krzysztof Kieslowski Faculty of Radio and Television).




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