Čeka. Njegova se koža suši, no on ne želi napustiti svoju sobu. Sjedi, ustaje, ide s jednog kraja prostorije na drugu. Čuje korake i ona je tamo. Njegova je kći napokon tamo.
Nina Prange je rođena je 1993. u Minhenu, Njemačka. 2012./2013. je studirala animaciju na Bavarskoj televizijskoj akademiji u Minhenu, a od 2013. studira animaciju pri Filmskoj akademiji Baden-Württemberg u Njemačkoj.
He's waiting. His skin is getting dry, but he neither wants to flood nor to leave his room. He sits, he stands, he moves from one side of the room to the other. Then there are steps and she is there. His daughter is finally there.Nina Prange
Born in 1993 in Munich, Germany. 2012/2013 studies in Animation at the Bavarian Academy of Television in Munich, Germany. Since 2013 studies in Animation at the Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Mirage nam pripovijeda o nejasnoj budućnosti, ljubavi, prvim poljupcima i čudesnim unutarnjim svjetovima likova, oslikavajući emocije i svjetove u kojima oni žive. Mirage brings us love lessons, first kisses and magical inner worlds of the characters, → more
Balada o Elli Plummhof
The Ballad of Ella Pummhoff, Njemačka, 2015., director: Barbara Kronenberg, feature film
The Dipper from the Water of Leith, Velika Britanija, 2015., director: Kris Kubik, documentary
Pogled zatvorenih očiju
Glances of Closed Eyes, Srbija, 2015., director: Dora Filipović, documentary
Fontana želja
The Wishgranter, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2016., director: Echo Wu, Kal Athannassov, John Mcdonald, animated
Maybe Too Dreamy
Hrvatska, 2014., director: Dolores Kovačić, feature film
Hrvatska, 2015., director: Nataša Alavanja, feature film