The video was commissioned as a clip by the coalition of Croatian women’s NGOs as a part of the campaign against violence against women. It consists of the shot of a face of an abused woman. The title of the Croatian anthem, Lijepa naša (Our Beautiful), appears at the beginning of the video along with the first chord of the anthem. The video consists of one continuous shot of the face of an abused woman. Croatian words used to discriminate women pass in alphabetical order from left to right on the screen above her head. The looped soundtrack is a female voice singing a traditional song about women’s wisdom. (Fundació Antoni Tàpies)
Broadcasted by TV Zagreb, 1998.
Make Up - Make Down: Videoretrospektiva Sanje Iveković
Videoretrospektiva Sanje Iveković Make Up – Make Down za dva aktivna prostora dijeljenog iskustva u izložbenim prostorima Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti i kinodvoranama Art-kina omogućuje izniman paralelni uvid u njezine umjetničke prakse i politike → more
No End
1983., director: Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, feature film
1983., director: Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, feature film
Black and White
1985., director: Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, feature film
Voice of Silence
1987.-89., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
The Bride, The Bachelors. Even
1992., director: Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, feature film
The Invisible Women of Erste Campus
2016., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film