“Luiza” progovara o delikatnoj vezi između posebne djevojke i svemira koji ju okružuje. Naime, vođena svojom seksualnošću, Luiza progovara o problemima poput predrasuda, odnosa između roditelja i djece, pretjerane roditeljske zaštite, autonomije, razlika i ljubavi.
“Luiza” deals with the delicate relationship between an unusual girl and the universe that surrounds her; guided by her sexuality, she addresses issues such as prejudice, relationships between parents and children, family overprotection, autonomy, differences
Things We Don't Talk About
Social Issues
Topics that will tickle and pinch your mind, with a “threat” to disturb and caress you at the same time but for sure – films that will be talked about. After the screening there is → more
The Elusive, Belgija, 2016., director: Ely Chevillot, feature film
Poljska, 2016., director: Renata Gasiorowska, animated
Sabinina sobica
Sabine’s Nursery, Njemačka, 2016., director: Manuel Rees, documentary