The death marches have often been treated as an epilog to the Nazis’ policy of extermination. But in recent years, historians have been looking into the subject to analyze its workings and specific logic. Their combined research has shown this episode of the Second World War in a fresh light. Now, this documentary sets out to reveal the true story of the death marches, a story which is essential to tell.
Rat, trauma, politika 5
17:00 Marika, zašto se bojiš? / Marika, Why Be Afraid? (15 min) 17:15 Marševi smrti / Nazi Death Marches (90 min) razgovor s autoricom → more
Marika, zašto se bojiš?
Marika...Why Be Afraid?, Greece, 2021., director: Matthaios Frantzeskakis, documentary