A teenage girl, bursting with lust for life, is moving to California, leaving behind everything she ever loved. In a dying, working class hometown in Serbia, she spends her last day with two childhood friends. Abandoned places bring up memories of a wild childhood, two boys are torn by the love for the same girl.
Ravnoteža / Equilibrium
During childhood we build our lives around family relations, and when we grow up we create our own relationships. But the illusion of a newly acquired freedom is burdened by heritage that we carry with → more
He Pulls His Truck, Rusija, 2019., director: Proskurin Kirill, animated
Čežnja za domom
Homesick, Izrael, 2018., director: Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, animated
Vremenski stroj
Time machine, Poljska, 2018., director: Jan Bujnowski, documentary
Primarni brojevi
Prime numbers, Mađarska, 2018., director: Anna Ottlik, animated