Gotovo cijelo jedno desetljeće Kenija je bila meta terorističkih napada Al-Shabaaba. Tjeskoba i nepovjerenje između muslimana i kršćana raste, sve do prosinca 2015. kada muslimanski putnici pokazuju kako solidarnost ipak može prevladati.
For almost a decade Kenya has been targeted by terrorist attacks of the Al-Shabaab. An atmosphere of anxiety and mistrust between Muslims and Christians is growing. Until in December 2015, Muslim bus passengers showed that solidarity can prevail.
Embrace / Zagrljaj
Ponekad je zagrljaj dovoljan. Malen znak prihvaćanja i razumijevanja kako bi se sve nastavilo kretati. Dalje. Sometimes a hug is enough. A small token of acceptance and understanding to keep everything moving forward. Raspored filmova: Test (The Test, → more
The Test, Slovačka, 2016., director: Gregor Valentović, feature film
Education, Poljska, 2016., director: Emi Buchwald, documentary
Duše šume
The Souls Of The Forest, Kolumbija, 2016., director: Juan Esteban Forero, animated