Film o filmu 1

The monologue about Pula

Croatia, 2021., 8 min.

The monologue about Pula


‘’The monologue about Pula’’ is inspired by the cult experimental film ‘’Monologue about Split’’, directed by Ivan Martinac. The film lasts the same as the ‘’Monologue about Split’’ for exactly 7 minutes and 21 seconds, the same music is used - Ravel's Bolero and the same ratio and length of individual sequences, but it is edited entirely from film material from the archives of the Pula Cinema Club Jelen. Similarly like the ‘’Monologue on Split’’ it examines the relationship between life and death, eternal and transient, but also touches on sociological, political, metafilm and other elements in the context of recent Pula history.


Film o filmu 1

21:00 Monolog o Puli / The Monologue About Pula (8 min) razgovor s autorom 21:20 Novo kino Buje / Nuovo Cinema Buie (70 min) razgovor s autorom → more

Film o filmu 1


Moj prijatelj robot

15:30 bez dijaloga

Moj prijatelj robot

Robot Dreams, director: Pablo Berger, Španjolska, Francuska, Italija, 2023.
animated 102 min.

Family Program





director: Paolo Sorrentino, Italija, Francuska, 2024.
feature film 136 min.


Uvijek postoji sutra


Uvijek postoji sutra

C'è ancora domani, director: Paola Cortellesi, Italija, 2023.
feature film 118 min.