The clash of two worlds in the present-day Europe. As the indigenous population seeks to defend the status quo against escalating immigration, the newcomers are burdened by their own displacement. Forced to flee their homes, they are trying to adapt to the strange new environment.
Želimir Žilnik
Želimir Žilnik (rođen u Nišu, 1942. godine, živi i radi u Novom Sadu), autor je → more
Human Rights Film Festival 2018
Festival filmova o ljudskim pravima
Festival se otvara u Art-kinu u četvrtak, 8. prosinca u 21 sat premijerom filma Gorana → more
Slon u sobi
Da xiang xi di er zuo, China, 2018., director: Hu Bo, feature film
O Processo, Brasil, 2018., director: Maria Ramos, documentary
Lebanon / Iraq / France, 2018., director: Abbas Fahdel, feature film
Crna mater
Black Mother, USA, 2018., director: Khalik Allah, documentary
Madelineina Madeline
Madeline's Madeline, USA, 2018., director: Josephine Decker, feature film
Daleko sazviježđe
Distant Constellation, Turkey / USA, 2017., director: Shevaun Mizrahi, documentary
Le livre d'image, Switzerland / France, 2018., director: Jean-Luc Godard, feature film
Misija – duboki svemir
High Life, Germany / France / UK / Poland / USA, 2018., director: Claire Denis, feature film