Ovo je priča o gospodinu X, čiji identitet i lice nisu otkriveni. Gospodin X snima krajolike i ljude u Berlinu kako bi pripovjedao o izbjegličkom kampu u Italiji, svojoj baki u Zapadnoj Africi, o poznavanju afričkih dilera u zloglasnom parku Görlitzer, te o odnosu između njega, njegovog legalnog statusa i njegove kamere.
Tami Liberman je rođena 1983. u Tel Avivu u Izraelu, radi kao producentica i montažerka ali i kao vizualna antropologinja. Završivši preddiplomski studij na Sveučilištu u Tel Avivu, 2007. je počela raditi kao motažerka u izraelskoj filmskoj i video industriji. Stipendirana je od strane America-Israel Cultural Foundation za montažu. 2013. je diplomirala vizualnu i medijsku antropologiju na Freie Universität u Berlinu.
This film tells the story of Mr. X, but his identity and his face, are never revealed in it. Mr. X shoots the landscapes and people of Berlin to tell stories about the refugee camp in Italy, about his grandmother in West Africa, about his acquaintance with African drug dealers from Görlitzer Park, and about the relationship between him, his legal status and his camera.
Tami Liberman, born in 1983 in Tel Aviv, Israel, is a filmmaker, film editor and visual anthropologist. Having completed her BFA in film from the Tel Aviv University (with honours) Tami began working as a video editor in the Israeli film and television industry in 2007. She was awarded a scholarship in the field of editing by the America-Israel Cultural Foundation. In 2013 Tami completed her Ma studies in Visual and Media Anthropology at the Freie Universität Berlin .
Spoticanja je program koji donosi priče o unitarnjim borbama likova koji su na putu prema boljoj budućnosti zapeli u vrtlogu birokracije, dobrodošlica, osobnih ciljeva i demona iz prošlosti. Stumbling tells stories about the struggles of characters stuck somewhere → more
Austrija, 2015., director: Jannis Lenz, feature film
Zemlja Kauboja
Cowboyland, Slovačka, 2015., director: Stumpf, feature film
Svjetski Rekorderi
Backwards, Srbija, 2016., director: Nikola Zdravković, feature film
Alaska, Izrael, 2015., director: Or Drori, Yarin Kaplan, animated