Vincenzo Vinciguerra, fascist, the most emblematic of the ‘irriducibili’ (relentless) activists , has been in jail for 43 years. Self-confessed perpetrator of the 1972 Peteano bombing – the only event in the Italian terrorism period with an ascertained historical and judicial truth – in 1979 he turned himself in, so that he could ‘regain his freedom’and continue to fight from his prison cell an ideological war as a ‘political soldier’, against the State.
History Film Festival 2023
Sedmo izdanje History Film Festivala – međunarodnog festivala povijesnog dokumentarnog filma održavat će se od → more
Pet zahtjeva
The Five Demands, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, documentary
Ciompi, Francuska, 2023., director: Agnès Perrais, documentary
Thatcherica nije mrtva
Thatcher's not Dead, Francuska, 2022., director: Guillaume Podrovnik, documentary
Treća i četvrta generacija
The Third and Fourth Generation, Švicarska, 2022., director: Lukas Zünd, documentary
Raabyjeva zagonetka
The Raaby Mystery, Norveška, 2022., director: Stian Indrevoll, documentary
Pridruži se ili umri
Join or Die, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Rebecca Davis, documentary
Spomenici u nestajanju
Stonebreakers, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Valerio Ciriaci, feature film