Film “O mojoj sestri” dokumentarni je esej o adolescentnoj ženi koji opisuje trenutačni svijet kroz oči mlade, inteligentne osobe koja se (protiv svoje volje) odlučuje izolirati od društva. Ovaj film govori o udaljenosti među ljudima – i o strahovima koji iz nje proizlaze.
The film “About My Sister” is a documentary essay about a teenage girl. It depicts the contemporary world through the eyes of a young, intelligent person, who (unwillingly) decides to isolate herself from society. This movie is about the remoteness among us – and about the fear it causes.
Misplaced / Zametnuti
Otkrivamo nevidljive svjetove, intimne bjegove i male buntove protiv opresivne svakodnevice. We are exploring invisible worlds, personal refuges, and small rebellions against the oppressive every day life. Raspored programa: O mojoj sestri (About my sister, r: Barbora Sliepková, → more
Njemačka, 2017., director: Jan Fabi, Milena Aboyan, animated
Krivo rođena
Born Wrong, Finska, 2016., director: Kaisa El Ramly, feature film
Indonezija, 2016., director: Yudho Aditya, feature film