The starting point for this work were the slides found at Zora Film, a company that produced educational lms in the 1950s. Intended to be used as visual tools during geography classes, these images were taken in di erent parts of the world. However, the author choses to work with only one motif – that of the mountains. By using complex post-production methods, which include digital and analogue technologies, the photographs on the slides come to life, transforming themselves in moving images. e mountains seem to grow more and more dis- tant, and cease to look real. e lm turns into an psychogeographical journey, that leads the viewer into various, sometimes intense inner states.
Sci-Fi Geographies
Program pod nazivom Sci-Fi Geographies donosi izbor od pet eksperimentalnih (pseudo) znanstveno-fantastičnih filmova kratkog i srednjeg metra. Pet redateljica s dvaju kontinenata, sjevernoameričkog i europskog, djeluju unutar propusnih granica između prirodnog i natprirodnog, znanstvenog i znanstveno-fantastičnog. → more
Silica, Australija / Velika Britanija, 2017., director: Pia Borg, eksperimentalni
Pizzly medvjed
Pizzly Bear, 2017., director: Cecelia Condit,, eksperimentalni
Promatranje neba
Observando El Cielo, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2007., director: Jeanne Liotta, eksperimentalni
Potopljeno blago
Sunken Treasure, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Shanna Maurizi, eksperimentalni