“After Sunday” is a story of two physically and mentally wounded people who once got entangled in one another, but their complicated togetherness was cut short. Now Milena arrives at Mariusz’s door with their dying dog, Homer, demanding help. But is that really all she wants? Words and silences leave deep scars which time doesn’t always heal. The margin of hope is a new beginning – a new week, a new day. Everything that comes after Sunday.
U međuvremenu / Meanwhile
From the moment we find ourselves unprepared for losing that significant other, to the moment when we can truly begin to exist in solitude, that is the time when we begin to dismantle ourselves and → more
Kućica za ptice
Bird House, Hrvatska, 2023., director: Petra Pavetić Kranjčec, animated
Dani bez nje
Days Without, Estonija, Portugal, Škotska, 2022., director: Ívar Erik Yeoman, feature film
Nezdravi um
Unwell Mind, Izrael, 2021., director: Danna Levy, documentary