Erez, izraelski ovlašteni časnik, zajedno s dvojicom vojnika dobiva naredbu o preseljenju zatvorenika u Megiddo zatvor. Putem nastaje konflikt koji natjera mladog časnika da premaši samog sebe u rješavanju situacije.
Erez, an Israeli commissioned officer, and two other soldiers have been ordered to transfer a prisoner to Megiddo prison. Along the way, a conflict arises that forces the young officer to surpass himself in order to solve the situation.
Interference / Smetnje
Protagonisti iz ovog ciklusa filmova suočeni su s nepremostivim preprekama koje naizgled običan dan pretvaraju u moru. The protagonists of this round of films are being faced with insurmountable difficulties which at first seem to turn → more
The Indigestion, Belgija, 2016., director: Mathilde Remy, animated
Koga boli
Who Gives, Srbija, 2016., director: Lenka Jovanović, feature film
Lunch Time, Iran, 2017., director: Alireza Ghasemi, feature film