Suočen s dijagnozom smrtonosne bolesti muž priznaje ženi kako je uzeo njihovu zajedničku ušteđevinu te je planirao pobjeći iz grada. Nakon eksplozije uvreda doktor im javlja kako je dijagnoza kriva, te se mogu vratiti kući.
Nevena Bakić je studentica filmske i televizijske montaže na četvrtoj godini beogradskog Fakulteta dramskih umjetnosti.
Faced with the diagnosis of terminal illness, the husband admits his wife he took their joint savings and that he planned to run away from town. After the explosion of personal insults, the doctor informs them the diagnosis was wrong so they can return home.
Nevena Bakić is a student in the 4th year of Film and TV Editing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Belgrade.
24 sata
24 Hours
Ponekad je i 24 sata dovoljno da se nečiji život u potpunosti promijeni… Sometimes 24 hours can be enough time for someone's life to completely change its path… → more
America, Poljska, 2015., director: Aleksandra Terpińska, feature film
Rhythmus 59
Austrija, 2015., director: Aleksey Lapin, Markus Zizenbacher, feature film
Put za Kujumbu
To Kuyumba, Srbija, 2015., director: Miroslav Savić, feature film
Forever, Hrvatska, 2015., director: Monika Rusak, eksperimentalni