Povodom godišnjice bakine smrti organizirana je večera koja je istovremeno i prilika za prikazivanje boli, strahova te poroka unutar obitelji.
A family dinner is organized for the anniversary of the grandmother. This meal is an opportunity to see the anguish, the fears, the wickedness of this family.
Interference / Smetnje
Protagonisti iz ovog ciklusa filmova suočeni su s nepremostivim preprekama koje naizgled običan dan pretvaraju u moru. The protagonists of this round of films are being faced with insurmountable difficulties which at first seem to turn → more
The Transfer, Australija, 2017., director: Michael Grudsky, feature film
Koga boli
Who Gives, Srbija, 2016., director: Lenka Jovanović, feature film
Lunch Time, Iran, 2017., director: Alireza Ghasemi, feature film