Seven years of celestial field recordings gathered from the chaos of the cosmos and inscribed onto 16mm film from various locations upon this turning tripod Earth. This work is neither a metaphor nor a symbol, but is feeling towards a fact in the mist of perception, which time flows through. Natural VLF radio recordings of the magnetosphere in action allow the universe to speak for itself. The Sublime is Now. Amor Fati!
Sci-Fi Geographies
Program pod nazivom Sci-Fi Geographies donosi izbor od pet eksperimentalnih (pseudo) znanstveno-fantastičnih filmova kratkog i srednjeg metra. Pet redateljica s dvaju kontinenata, sjevernoameričkog i europskog, djeluju unutar propusnih granica između prirodnog i natprirodnog, znanstvenog i znanstveno-fantastičnog. → more
Silica, Australija / Velika Britanija, 2017., director: Pia Borg, eksperimentalni
Hrvatska, 2018., director: Hrvoslava Brkušić, eksperimentalni
Pizzly medvjed
Pizzly Bear, 2017., director: Cecelia Condit,, eksperimentalni
Potopljeno blago
Sunken Treasure, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Shanna Maurizi, eksperimentalni