U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile


Territories, Alžir / Francuska, 2018., 26 min.



The film follows Brahim, an Algerian mechanic living in France who dreams to travel to the US with his son. While trying to obtain a French passport, he gets in trouble with the police and has to hide in the Algerian community of Paris. There he begins an identity quest.


U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile

Is where I come from written on my forehead? Can I forget my roots? Do I need to belong somewhere or to someone, and why should that be so important? We often don’t know if → more

U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile


Odrasti u Malo Drvo

Odrasti u Malo Drvo

Grow up to be a Little Tree, Hrvatska, 2019., director: Noemi Ribić, animated

Moja oznaka

Moja oznaka

My Label, Belgija, 2018., director: Janne Janssens, animated

Medvjedić Paddington u džungli

17:00 Dječja kuća sinkronizirano

Medvjedić Paddington u džungli

Paddington in Peru, director: Dougal Wilson, Velika Britanija, Francuska, Japan, SAD, 2024.
feature film 106 min.


Fiume o morte!

18:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.

Veliki život

19:00 Dječja kuća s titlovima

Ženijalni dani

Veliki život

Život k sežrání, director: Kristina Dufkova, Češka, Francuska, Slovačka, 2024.
animated 80 min.


Te sitnice


Te sitnice

Small Things Like These, director: Tim Mielants, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Belgija, 2024.
feature film 98 min.