The film follows Brahim, an Algerian mechanic living in France who dreams to travel to the US with his son. While trying to obtain a French passport, he gets in trouble with the police and has to hide in the Algerian community of Paris. There he begins an identity quest.
U Međuvremenu / Meanwhile
Is where I come from written on my forehead? Can I forget my roots? Do I need to belong somewhere or to someone, and why should that be so important? We often don’t know if
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Ko'lko god nas noge nose
As Far As Our Feet Takes Us, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Renata Lučić, documentary
Odrasti u Malo Drvo
Grow up to be a Little Tree, Hrvatska, 2019., director: Noemi Ribić, animated
Moja oznaka
My Label, Belgija, 2018., director: Janne Janssens, animated
Mjesto odakle vam pišem pisma
The Place I am Writing you Letters From, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Nikolina Bogdanović, documentary