An educational animated film for young children. Through an interesting and simple story in which the main actors are snails, the children are introduced to colors. The snails go over the stains of color and leave traces behind them, and where the traces overlap they mix and create new colors.
Small European Marathons
Animated movies for children
Program schedule: One Man Eight Camers / Naren Wilks A Bird and a Whale / Carol Freeman Running Lights / Ged Sia Blue Moon / Marsha Onderstijn i Jordie Roomer Island / Max Mörtl i Robert Löbel Kuap / Nils Hedinger Abraço → more
Jedan čovjek, osam kamera
One Man Eight Cameras, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 2014., director: Naren Wilks, feature film
Ptica i kit
Irska, 2018., director: Carol Freeman, animated
Svjetla koja odlaze
Running Lights, Litva, 2017., director: Ged Sia, animated
Tužni Mjesec
Blue Moon, Nizozemska, 2014., director: Marsha Onderstijn, Jordie Roomer, feature film
Island, Njemačka, 2017., director: Max Mörtl, Robert Löbel,, animated
Kuap, Švicarska, 2018., director: Nils Hedinger, animated
Zagrljaj vjetra
Abraço do vento, Portugal, 2004., director: José Miguel Ribeiro, animated
Tekkol, Netherlands, 2016., director: Jorn Leeuwerink, animated