From A to Z in this mock cooking-show demonstration Rosler 'shows and tells' the ingredients of the housewife's day. She offers an inventory of tools that names and mimics the ordinary with movements more samurai than suburban. Rosler's slashing gesture as she forms a letter of the alphabet in the air with a knife and fork is a rebel gesture, punching through the 'system of harnessed subjectivity' from the inside out.
I was concerned with something like the notion of 'language speaking the subject,' and with the transformation of the woman herself into a sign in a system of signs that represent a system of food production, a system of harnessed subjectivity. - Martha Rosler
Make Up - Make Down: Videoretrospektiva Sanje Iveković #5
Videoretrospektiva Sanje Iveković Make Up – Make Down za dva aktivna prostora dijeljenog iskustva u izložbenim prostorima Muzeja moderne i suvremene umjetnosti i kinodvoranama Art-kina omogućuje izniman paralelni uvid u njezine umjetničke prakse i politike → more
Personal Cuts
1982., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
Sweet Violence
1974., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
Reconstructions 1952-76
1976., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
TV Timer
1973., director: Sanja Iveković, Dalibor Martinis, feature film
Fly, 1971., director: Yoko Ono, John Lennon, feature film
Übung Macht den Meister / Practice Makes a Master
1982., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
Practice Makes a Master
2009., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
Every Revolution is a Throw of the Dice
Toute révolution est un coup de dés, 1977., director: Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet, feature film
Looking at...
1974., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film
1987.-2001., director: Sanja Iveković, feature film