Part science ction, part essay, Silica explores territorial constructs and the boundaries of the real and the me- diated in an opal mining town in the South Australian desert. Charting the journey of a lm location scout in search of otherworldly landscapes, Silica investigates notions of settlement and belonging through its exploration of a town in the midst of abandonment. With the opal resources increasingly depleted by the mining work – and fake replica gems, indistinguishable from the real thing, easily created in laboratories in Europe – people are deserting the town, leaving a eeting trace on ancient landscapes that are also marked by the presence of indig- enous Australians who walked the deserts for thousands of years. Combining microscopic photography of opals with computer-generated landscapes and objects, Silica blurs notions of the actual and the imaginary to probe ideas of ‘value’, which support not only the gem trade but wider questions of identity, mythology and cosmology. is blurring of the actual and imaginary is further embodied in the former sets of science- ction lms that are dotted around the town’s lunar landscape.
Festivals and awards
25 FPS Festival eksperimentalnog filma i videa 2018 - Grand Prix / AFI Fest 2017 - Posebna nagrada žirija / Guanajuato International Film Festival 2018 - Najbolji kratki eksperimentalni film / Slamdance Film Festival 2018 - Glavna nagrada žirija za najbolji eksperimentalni film / 56. Ann Arbor Film Festival - Nagrada Gil Omenn Art & Science Award (u podjeli sa Sunken Treasure - Shanna Maurizi);
Sci-Fi Geographies
Program pod nazivom Sci-Fi Geographies donosi izbor od pet eksperimentalnih (pseudo) znanstveno-fantastičnih filmova kratkog i srednjeg metra. Pet redateljica s dvaju kontinenata, sjevernoameričkog i europskog, djeluju unutar propusnih granica između prirodnog i natprirodnog, znanstvenog i znanstveno-fantastičnog. → more
Hrvatska, 2018., director: Hrvoslava Brkušić, eksperimentalni
Pizzly medvjed
Pizzly Bear, 2017., director: Cecelia Condit,, eksperimentalni
Promatranje neba
Observando El Cielo, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2007., director: Jeanne Liotta, eksperimentalni
Potopljeno blago
Sunken Treasure, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Shanna Maurizi, eksperimentalni