Irma The Sweet is an American comedy directed by Billy Wilder in 1963. It is an adaptation of the eponymous musical by the French author Alexandre Breffort.
The protagonist, whose character is interpreted by Jack Lemmon, is Nestor Patou, a benevolent Parisian cop who, during his service, falls in love with a prostitute named Irma (Shirley MacLaine) and, after losing his job, becomes her pimp.
Wilder originally intended the movie for Marilyn Monroe, who was to interpret the title role. After her death, Shirley MacLaine took over the role. Although based on a musical, Irma The Sweet is not a musical. Despite this, André Previn won an Oscar in the then separate category of music adaptation.
Irma The Sweet has had impressive commercial success by becoming one of the most watched films of her time.
Festivals and awards
Academy Awards, 1964 - Oscar for Best Music / Golden Globes, 1964 - Best Actress (MacLaine) / David di Donatello, 1964 - Best Foreign Actress (MacLaine) / Golden Screen, Germany 1964 - Golden Screen Award / Laurel Awards 1964 - Top Awards actor (MacLaine) and Top actor (Lemon);
Billy Wilder's Double Date
Valentine's Day is celebrated at Art-kino with Billy Wilder's Double Date. For all those in love (in movies), there are two Wilder comedies on program, starring the same actors - Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. The → more
The Apartment
The Apartment, United States, 1960., director: Billy Wilder, feature film