Rat, trauma, politika 3

Spavati u ruševinama

Sleeping in Ruins, Iraq, 2019., 68 min.

Spavati u ruševinama


The film tells the story of ordinary people from city of Mosul, who were there when ISIS seized the city and lost part of their lives and their beloved ones; they were there when liberation war started and lost more of their lives and more beloved ones. War has touched them with its brutal fingers.

Now Mosul is liberated but still its citizens spend their days among corpses and night in ruins. As if post war period is just another chapter in their book of suffering.


Rat, trauma, politika 3

17:00 Spavati u ruševinama / Sleeping in Ruins (67 min) razgovor s autorima 18:20 Veće od traume / Bigger Than Trauma (90 min) razgovor s autoricom → more

Rat, trauma, politika 3


Moj prijatelj robot

15:30 bez dijaloga

Moj prijatelj robot

Robot Dreams, director: Pablo Berger, Španjolska, Francuska, Italija, 2023.
animated 102 min.

Family Program





director: Paolo Sorrentino, Italija, Francuska, 2024.
feature film 136 min.


Uvijek postoji sutra


Uvijek postoji sutra

C'è ancora domani, director: Paola Cortellesi, Italija, 2023.
feature film 118 min.