An evocation of the childhood memories of Bohumil Hrabal in his provincial town of Nymburk, dominated by the local brewery.
Festivals and awards
Chicago International Film Festival 1981 / Venice Film Festival 1981 - Winner Special Mention - For humor, taste and optimistic vitality.
Tjedan češkog filma 2020
Novo izdanje, među riječkom publikom omiljenog, Tjedna češkog filma u Art-kino stiže od 23. do → more
Vlastníci, Češka, 2019., director: Jiří Havelka, feature film
Češka / Slovačka, 2019., director: Martin Dušek, Ondřej Provazník, feature film
Žene u trku
Ženy v běhu, Češka, 2019., director: Martin Horský, feature film
Obojeni ptić
Nabarvené ptáče, Češka / Slovačka / Ukrajina, 2019., director: Václav Marhoul, feature film