Manhattan Short Film Festival 2013

The Pale of Settlement

The Pale of Settlement, SAD, 2013., 18 min.

The Pale of Settlement


Inspiriran stvarnim događajima, film prati 10-godišnjaka Moischea, Židova, koji pokušava izbjeći prisilnu vojnu obvezu u ruskoj vojsci tijekom Krimskog rata.

Based on true events, The Pale of Settlement, tells the story of a 10 year old Jewish boy, Moische, who must escape forced conscription into the Russian Army during the Crimean War.

Festivals and awards

First Run Festival, 2013. - nagrada Craft za najbolju fotografiju, montažu, produkciju te nagrada Carl Lerner za film od društvene važnosti; 


Manhattan Short Film Festival 2013

one world - one week - one festival

Manhattan Short Film Festival i ove godine stiže u Art-kino. Tijekom vikenda, 28. i 29. rujna, pogledajte 10 ovogodišnjih finalista i zaokružite svoj najdraži. Kako kaže ekipa MSFF-a: jedan svijet - jedan tjedan - jedan → more

Manhattan Short Film Festival 2013


Irish namještaj

Irish namještaj

Irish Folk Furniture, Irska, 2012., director: Tony Donoghue, animated

No Comment

No Comment

No Comment, Francuska, 2012., director: Alexandra Naoum, feature film

Face s place

Face s place

Portraits de Voyages aka Faces from Places, Francuska, 2013., director: Bastien Dubois, animated



Friday, Engleska, 2012., director: Seb Edwards, feature film



Austrija, 2013., director: Timothy Wilde, feature film

Black Metal

Black Metal

SAD, 2013., director: Kat Candler, feature film


Fiume o morte!

20:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.