This CGI animation follows a self-driving police car in a desolate landscape. In dialogue with a built-in therapist, they contemplate the meaning of freedom and lament their uselessness. As their conversation ensues, it becomes increasingly clear in what kind of world our protagonist is living. Theta is part of Lawrence Lek's Sinofuturist cinematic universe, in which he explores the psychological impact of technology on emerging forms of non-human life
Interface Video Art Festival 2023
Selekcija video radova ovogodišnjeg izdanja Interface Video Art Festival održat će se u Art-kinu u srijedu, 5. prosinca. Riječkoj će biti premijerno prikazano sedam nagrađivanih eksperimentalnih filmova s Roterdam Film Festivala u selekciji Ivana Ramljaka. Riječ je → more
Repetitions, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 2023., director: Morgan Quaintance, feature film
Zabriskie Point
Zabriskie Point, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2023., director: Cho Seoungho, feature film
Pećinske slike
Cave Paintings, Austrija, 2023., director: Siegfried A. Fruhauf, feature film
Kao da se nesreća nije dogodila u noći
As If No Misfortune Had Occurred in the Night, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 2023., director: Larissa Sansour, Søren Lind, feature film
Zaslijepljen stoljećima
Blinded by Centuries, Tajland, 2023., director: Parinda Mai, feature film
Djevojka lotosovih očiju
Lotus-Eyed Girl, Šri Lanka, 2023., director: Rajee Samarasinghe, feature film