Film o filmu 3

Tko je ubio Psilandera?

Who Shot Psilander?, Denmark, 2022., 61 min.

Tko je ubio Psilandera?


"Who shot Psilander?" tells the story of Valdemar Psilander who became the first actor in history to experience global fame as the world's first major movie star. Through his life story that was tragically cut short we are taken back to the times of the breakthrough of modern technologies like film, cameras and cars in the beginning of the 20th century. It's a time of great prosperity, globalization and development that bares remarkable resemblance to the world of today. But it is also a time of war.


Film o filmu 3

21:45 Bosanski Brodvej / Bosnian Broadway (30 min) razgovor s autoricom 22:15 Tko je ubio Psilandera? / Who Shot Psilander? (60 min) razgovor s autorom → more

Film o filmu 3


Čin smaknuća


Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

Čin smaknuća

The Act of Killing, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Anonymous, Christine Cynn, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Danska, Indonezija, Norveška, 2012.
documentary 159 min.


Pogled tišine


Joshua Oppenheimer u Rijeci

Pogled tišine

The Look of Silence, director: Joshua Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer; Danska, Indonezija, Finska, Norveška, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Izrael, Francuska, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Njemačka, Nizozemska, 2014.
documentary 103 min.