Silvia has lived most of her adult life in a community of deaconesses. For some time now she has been traveling to the site of a Nazi concentration camp of which her own grandfather was the commander. Using performance art, she explores the secret of how our ancestors shape us. Dealing with her family history and her childhood trauma leads to an unexpected and beautiful turning point in the life of the Christian woman.
History Film Festival 2023
Sedmo izdanje History Film Festivala – međunarodnog festivala povijesnog dokumentarnog filma održavat će se od → more
Pet zahtjeva
The Five Demands, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Greta Schiller, Andrea Weiss, documentary
Ciompi, Francuska, 2023., director: Agnès Perrais, documentary
Thatcherica nije mrtva
Thatcher's not Dead, Francuska, 2022., director: Guillaume Podrovnik, documentary
Raabyjeva zagonetka
The Raaby Mystery, Norveška, 2022., director: Stian Indrevoll, documentary
Pridruži se ili umri
Join or Die, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Rebecca Davis, documentary
Relentless, Italija, 2022., director: Morgan Menegazzo, Mariachiara Pernisa, documentary
Spomenici u nestajanju
Stonebreakers, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2022., director: Valerio Ciriaci, feature film