Maicol is 8 years old. He lives with his parents on the periphery of Rome. Both his parents are very young and he has a great rapport with his father. At some point, Maicol receives some money to buy his favorite team jersey as a present for his school promotion. This event will bring about discussions and eventually change the relationship between the two.
Family affairs can at times be so convoluted that they might induce vertigo! Where to stop, when’s the right time to get involved, and when to disengage? The answers to these types of questions won’t → more
Martin Torpedo
Hrvatska, 2021., director: Toni Jelenić, documentary
Cornelian Cherries
Srbija, 2020., director: Nikola Stojanović, documentary
Ljubav je smrtno blizu
Love Is Just a Death Away, Kanada / Češka, 2020., director: Bára Anna Stejskalová, animated