Ravnoteža / Equilibrium

Vremenski stroj

Time machine, Poljska, 2018., 26 min.

Vremenski stroj


A lonely 55-year-old street artist from Poland lives in London. His parents decide to visit their son after many years of separation. A man wants to take advantage of the chance to resolve an old conflict with his father, not realizing that the real problem is much deeper.


Ravnoteža / Equilibrium

During childhood we build our lives around family relations, and when we grow up we create our own relationships. But the illusion of a newly acquired freedom is burdened by heritage that we carry with → more

Ravnoteža / Equilibrium




He Pulls His Truck, Rusija, 2019., director: Proskurin Kirill, animated

Čežnja za domom

Čežnja za domom

Homesick, Izrael, 2018., director: Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, animated

Primarni brojevi

Primarni brojevi

Prime numbers, Mađarska, 2018., director: Anna Ottlik, animated

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Dog Days of Summer, Srbija, 2019., director: Nikola Stojanović, feature film

Super spori, super moćni

17:00 Dječja kuća sinkronizirano

Super spori, super moćni

The Sloth Lane, director: Tania Vincent, Ricard Cussó, Australija, 2024.
animated 90 min.


19:00 Dječja kuća sinkronizirano


Dog Man, director: Peter Hastings, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2025.
animated 94 min.