Dániel Juhász, a young aspiring painter with low self-esteem, is in his last round of interviews at the painting department of the Academy of Fine Arts. While waiting for his interview, his demons appear to him in the form of garden pests.
Student Day Festival: Niska trava / Vrt srca / Nakon svadbe
Tri nagrađena filma 10. Međunarodnog studentskog filmskog festivala - STIFF 2023 stižu na novi sportski teren našeg Kampusa, u takozvani Žilavi park i to sve skupa u sklopu filmskog dijela manifestacije STF-a! Na prvom ovoljetnom → more
Nakon svadbe
After the Wedding, Slovačka, 2022., director: Matej Klucik, documentary
Niska trava
Short Cut Grass, Hrvatska, 2023., director: David Gašo, feature film