


Luister, Nizozemska, 2017., director: Astrid Bussink, feature film

Život je često izazovan, pogotovo kad odrastaš. I nije uvijek lako s roditeljima razgovarati o problemima. Na sreću, "Dječji telefon" u Nizozemskoj osigurava uho za slušanje. "Slušaj" predstavlja presijek takvih dječjih telefonskih razgovora. Djevojčica govori → more

Leteća Anne

Leteća Anne

Flying Anne, Nizozemska, 2010., director: Catherine van Campen, documentary

Jedanaestogodišnja Anne je prelijepa djevojčica. Jedna od onih s koje ne možete skrenuti pogled. Što ju dulje gledate, više zamjećujete njezine tikove. Anne boluje od Touretteovog sindroma. To je bolest koja prisiljava njezino tijelo na → more

Lenno & ribica

Lenno & ribica

Lenno & de Maanvis, Nizozemska, 2017., director: Shamira Raphaëla, documentary

Desetogodišnjak Lenno kući je donio novi dodatak svome akvariju – ribicu skalar/a/. Imaju mnogo toga zajedničkog. Lenno se dugo bori sa sklonošću nasilnom ponašanju i mora pohađati školu za djecu s teškoćama. Skalari su poznati → more

Ples sa stilom

Ples sa stilom

Dancing with style, Njemačka, 2012., director: Xander de Boer, documentary

Četrnaestogodišnji Eugéne pleše od svoje šeste godine. Iako to nije nešto čime bi se dečki trebali baviti, tako barem kažu njegovi prijatelji iz razreda. Iako ga u školi zlostavljaju zbog toga što voli ples na → more

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Mi smo vidjeli ljeto

Dog Days of Summer, Srbija, 2019., director: Nikola Stojanović, feature film

A teenage girl, bursting with lust for life, is moving to California, leaving behind everything she ever loved. In a dying, working class hometown in Serbia, she spends her last day with two childhood friends. → more

Primarni brojevi

Primarni brojevi

Prime numbers, Mađarska, 2018., director: Anna Ottlik, animated

The film depicts the morning routine of a man, memories seeping into the present moments, remembering his childhood and his father. → more

Vremenski stroj

Vremenski stroj

Time machine, Poljska, 2018., director: Jan Bujnowski, documentary

A lonely 55-year-old street artist from Poland lives in London. His parents decide to visit their son after many years of separation. A man wants to take advantage of the chance to resolve an old → more

Čežnja za domom

Čežnja za domom

Homesick, Izrael, 2018., director: Noy Bar, Yoav Aluf, Hila Einy, animated

A crisis in a young woman's life forces her to return to her parents' home. Her reappearance shakes the delicate balance in the family nest. → more



He Pulls His Truck, Rusija, 2019., director: Proskurin Kirill, animated

An eight-year-old boy Lyosha is hiding from the older kids in an abandoned building where he bumps into a toy truck locked behind bars. He decides to get it. → more

Mjesto odakle vam pišem pisma

Mjesto odakle vam pišem pisma

The Place I am Writing you Letters From, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Nikolina Bogdanović, documentary

In the 1950s grandmother’s sister moved with her husband to Germany. The photos they send document their new life in the West. → more