
Sovjetski psi

Sovjetski psi

Soviet Space Dogs, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Nikica Zdunić, feature film

Something happens. Time slows down. Two people are trapped in a space of tragedy, where their voices do not reach one another. But, even when everything is burnt to the ground, hope remains. → more

Do kraja svijeta

Do kraja svijeta

Till the End of the World, Nizozemska, 2018., director: Florence Bouvy, feature film

The eight-year-old Marie lives with her father Boudewijn in a small house at the edge of the city. Their world is full of play and imagination, and Boudwijn teaches her to dream. However, Marie has → more

Lovački psi

Lovački psi

Hounds, Izrael, 2018., director: Ido Shapira, Amita Cohen, animated

The life of a dog, trained to act as human, changes when a pack of hounds gathers around his house. → more



The Blackgod, Poljska, 2018., director: Grzegorz Paprzycki, documentary

Sviatoslav Siruj is the leader of a nationalist organization in western Ukraine. Together with his people, he is campaigning to promote an ideology that is in line with the assumptions of the party called the → more

Ja se više ne igram

Ja se više ne igram

Slovačka, 2018., director: Matej Babic, animated

A short animated film reflects the desire to win and the congenital aggression hidden in people. → more



The Vine, Srbija, 2018., director: Ivan Đurović, feature film

A group of wild boys who reject everything that has to do with the corruptible world of grownups meet Vladan, who appears to be nothing like their hypocritical and weak fathers, and decide to show → more

Neobična kupka gospodina Otmara

Neobična kupka gospodina Otmara

The Unusual Bath of Mister Otmar, Hrvatska, 2019., director: Niko Radas, animated

Mister Otmar’s lifestyle does not abide by the norms of society. He is taken to court for the danger he poses to the society and is sentenced to psychiatric treatment with the aim of returning → more

Ljudi iz opustošene zemlje

Ljudi iz opustošene zemlje

People of the Wasteland, Njemačka / Sirija, 2017., director: Heba Khaled, documentary

An experimental short film with a first-person point of view depicting the clashes of Syrian fighters in the front line. In the chaos of war, the lines between right and wrong become blurred. → more

All inclusive

All inclusive

Švicarska, 2018., director: Corina Schwingruber Ilić, documentary

Under the spell of mass entertainment on the high seas. → more

Obična žena

Obična žena

Nur eine Frau, Njemačka, 2019., director: Sherry Hormann, feature film

Film Obična žena (Nur eine Frau) prikazuje sudbinu Njemice turskih korijena Hatun Ayhrun Sürücü i njezinu borbu za slobodan, samoodređen život protiv otpora obitelji. Hatunina braća ne žele prihvatiti njezin životni stil, pa vrijeđanja i → more