Now it is the women's turn. Some of them step outside the conventions, so their steps are followed by society under a special magnifying glass. They do not follow the path. How far will they go, breaking the rules of the game? Life is often not fair. In the film First, a woman whose unborn child's fate is to be stillborn decides on an unexpected path. The harmony of the island of wild women in the animated film Carried away is interrupted by the appearance of a seemingly ordinary object. In the documentary film Sacrificed, fifteen-year-old Flavie is ready for civil disobedience to defend her social and ecological beliefs. Will the young girl be allowed the freedom of movement, or will she stay imprisoned in her father's armor we will discover in the animated film The Potter's Daughter. In the experimental-documentary film Waves, the author observes an intimate love relationship in subjective movement through touches and whispers, subtle reminiscences, whirpulls, waves, and vibrations.
Poljska, 2021., director: Adam Hartwiński, feature film
Carried away
Izrael, 2021., director: Daniel Makmal, animated
Kanada, 2021., director: David Sanchez, documentary
The potter's daughter
Francuska, 2021., director: Edern Guichard, animated
Hrvatska, 2022., director: Klara Dujmović, documentary
STIFF 2022
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Extended play
Discursive program / Talk with filmmakers,