Every system, from intimate love to cultural heritage and technology, has its cracks. Life is conducted as a grand experiment of maintaining normalcy, riddled with glitches. The documentary The Great Journey is compiled from archive footage to chronicle the friendship of the members of a Rijeka-based band who nourish their wanderlust and love of music through curious expeditions. Antoine is a young writer who decides to step out of the inner world he created with his already overstrained imagination in order to attempt a relationship with an actual girl in the fiction film Thus Began Antoine’s Downgoing. The animated documentary Just a Guy introduces three women enamored with a convicted serial killer. Deepfake Therapy is a documentary that examines an experiment where one can reestablish communication with the deceased through the aid of newly developed video technology, actors, and grief experts. In the animated film Arka all humanity’s accomplishments are conserved aboard a cruise ship sailing into the unknown.
Hrvatska, 2020., director: Natko Stipaničev, animated
Običan tip
Just a Guy, Njemačka, 2020., director: Shoko Hara, animated
The Great Journey
Hrvatska, 2021., director: Sara Huskić, documentary
Thus Began Antoine’s Down-Going
Francuska, 2021., director: Paul Rigoux, feature film
Deepfake Therapy
Nizozemska, 2020., director: Roshan Nejal, documentary
STIFF 2021
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival
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