The International Short Film Festival Oberhausen

Rubovi SAD-a

Fringes of U.S.
cca 75 min.

Rubovi SAD-a


Ovaj program okuplja razičite vrste sjevero-američkih eksperimentalnih filmova, gdje svaki od njih predstavlja vrlo različit pristup. Na početku pratimo Mickeyja Mousea na putu za rat u Vijetnamu i onda svjedočimo hrpi mladih ljudi koji kotrljaju lubenicu uz i niz brdo kroz ulice San Francisca. James Herbert reanimira sliku iz 19. stolječa za artistički i erotični prostup glazbenom videu R.E.M.-a, dok Mike Hoolboom iz Kanade daje zapanjujuću viziju života u doba AIDS-a. Ovi su radovi suprotstavljeni s dva vjerojatno najvažnija njemačka redatelja eksperimentalnog filma danas - Matthias Müller i Bjørn Melhus - koji u svojim radiovima transformiraju američki film i kulturu i nešto potpuno novo.

This programme gathers together various types of North American experimental films, each of them representing a very distict approach. In the beginning we follow Mickey Mouse on his way to the war in Vietnam and then witness a bunch of young people rolling a water melon up and down the hill and through the streets of San Francisco. James Herbert reanimates a painting of the 19th century for the sake of a highly artistic and erotic musicvideo for 'R.E.M.', whereas Mike Hoolboom from Canada gives a stunning vision of life in the age of AIDS. This body of work is finally juxtaposed with the two probably most important German directors of experimental film today, Matthias Müller and Bjørn Melhus, who in their entire body of work transform American film and culture into something completely new. 




World, SAD, 1971., director: Jordan Belson, feature film

Low (R.E.M.)

Low (R.E.M.)

SAD, 1990., director: James Herbert, feature film

Pisma od kuće

Pisma od kuće

Letters From Home, Kanada, 1996., director: Mike Hoolboom, feature film



17:00 Dječja kuća sinkronizirano


Dog Man, director: Peter Hastings, Sjedinjene Američke Države, 2025.
animated 94 min.

Veliki život

19:00 Dječja kuća s titlovima

Ženijalni dani

Veliki život

Život k sežrání, director: Kristina Dufkova, Češka, Francuska, Slovačka, 2024.
animated 80 min.


Fiume o morte!

20:00 popunjeno

Fiume o morte!

director: Igor Bezinović, Hrvatska, Italija, Slovenija, 2025.
documentary 112 min.