Protagonisti iz ovog ciklusa filmova suočeni su s nepremostivim preprekama koje naizgled običan dan pretvaraju u moru.
The protagonists of this round of films are being faced with insurmountable difficulties which at first seem to turn a usual day into a nightmare.
Raspored filmova:
- Probavljanje (The Indigestion, r: Mathilde Remy, 6 min., Belgija)
- Prijelaz (The Transfer, r: Michael Grudsky, 22 min., Austrija)
- Koga boli (Who Gives, r: Lenka Jovanović, 22 min., Srbija)
- Ručak (Lunch Time, r: Alireza Ghasemi, 15 min., Iran)
The Indigestion, Belgija, 2016., director: Mathilde Remy, animated
The Transfer, Australija, 2017., director: Michael Grudsky, feature film
Koga boli
Who Gives, Srbija, 2016., director: Lenka Jovanović, feature film
Lunch Time, Iran, 2017., director: Alireza Ghasemi, feature film
STIFF 2017
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival – STIFF
STIFF je međunarodni festival posvećen studentskom filmu s glavnom svrhom predstavljanja najbolje svjetske studentske produkcije → more
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