Where is that unconditional love that erases the fear of meaningless existence? We try to fulfil the inexplicable void, cure loneliness, and overcome ourselves or whatever happened to us. We are not happy with what we have now, but we don’t want to go back. We want something that is yet to come. We hope that this is just an interlude, but we need to know how to play it too.
Do kraja svijeta
Till the End of the World, Nizozemska, 2018., director: Florence Bouvy, feature film
Sovjetski psi
Soviet Space Dogs, Hrvatska, 2018., director: Nikica Zdunić, feature film
Konj s osam nogu
A Horse with Eight Legs, Njemačka, 2018., director: Felix Mott, documentary
Pozdrav praznini
Hello Emptiness, Belgija, 2018., director: Louison Chambon, animated
STIFF 2019
Međunarodni studentski filmski festival
STIFF (17. 10. – 20. 10. 2019.) je međunarodni festival posvećen studentskom filmu čija je → more
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